BBC's "Doctor Who" has aired the return of the iconic monster Sutekh the Destroyer in the episode titled "The Legend of Ruby Sunday." The episode, which aired on Saturday, confirmed Sutekh's return, who originally faced Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor in the 1975 serial "Pyramids of Mars." In the new episode, the Doctor, played by Ncuti Gatwa, attempts to identify Ruby's mother using 3D reconstructed CCTV footage, but fails, leaving Ruby emotional. A dark red cloud appears inside UNIT's time window device, escaping into the corporeal world. Later, Susan Twist, who was thought to be the Doctor's granddaughter, morphs into a demonic entity during a worldwide livestream, stunning the Doctor.

Additionally, the episode made history with its first-ever same-sex kiss between the Doctor and a bounty hunter named Rogue, played by Jonathan Groff. The historical-themed episode also features the Doctor and his companion Ruby Sunday, played by Millie Gibson, traveling to 1813 and attending a ball in Bath, England, where they confront shape-shifting Chuldurs killing the guests. Fans praised the electrifying chemistry between Ncuti Gatwa and Jonathan Groff, marking the first time a queer Doctor and a same-sex kiss have been featured in the series.