"Four Squares," the second novel by Bobby Finger, follows Artie Anderson, a writer navigating life in New York’s West Village. Set in two timelines, 1992 and 2022, the novel depicts Artie's journey from a 30-year-old wary of AIDS and connected to a close-knit group of friends, to a 60-year-old ghostwriter facing solitude and new challenges.

In 1992, Artie celebrates his 30th birthday while grappling with his writing ambitions and the AIDS crisis. His life changes when he meets Abe, a closeted bisexual who impacts Artie's creative and romantic life. Thirty years later, Artie, now 60, lives alone and finds solace in reconnecting with the queer community at the Gay and Lesbian Seniors Center.

The novel reflects on the contrast between Artie's hopeful youth and his introspective later years, illustrating the importance of friendships and resilience in the face of life's obstacles. "Four Squares" captures the shifting dynamics of a queer life in New York City over three decades.